Wednesday 6 January 2010


I just want to share a thought that i had a couple of days ago, (its still in my head so now i m leting it go)
I was thinking about how selfish we all humans are (or most of the humans), we born and we come to this world completely innocent, but then everyone around you is telling you now
you have to grow up, you have to be responsible, you have to watch of yourself, and we become this selfish greedy monster, that cares only for the benefit of its own, but then, i remember sometimes that i did myself also, we look at the photos that we were younger or that we were little kids and we say, oh how cute we were or how beautifull, as if now the beauty has gone there is nothing in us that reminds us of that innocence, but we dont know that beauty is not in the outside but on the inside, when we think how beautifull we were back then, we just see the beauty of our innocence and nothing else, we just admire the light of the newborn soul that we were once , i believe, that the light and this beauty can always be inside us but only if we choose it to be


Inspiration is everywhere or everything is inspiration - information is energy and energy is information, everything depends on the ability of our souls/minds to let the universal energies passing through us, because everything is energy (there is nothing solid in the universe)

Humans created language to communicate with each other and in the process they gave a name for everything like science, art, sexuality, nature but a simple word is unable to describe the deepest nature of things because its purpose is not to decribe but just to determine and put things in order just for helping us doing the calculations more easy in this game that we call life, like the numbers in the calculator, but this doesnt mean that "numbers" doesnt have a deepest meaning, so lets now say that number 1= science, number 2= art, both are numbers of different value and if we say value=perspective, then we see that the only thing that the words describe is just a different perspective, we have perspective one, perpective two and the list goes on, none of them is less or more worthy than the other as number 1 and number 2 is less or more worthy.

The question that occures is that if we are able to do the "calculations" in the game of life and realise that in a calculation all numbers/perspectives are valuable.

Behind a word like science or art, there is hidden the struggle and the energy of every man
who tried to discover or create something new

we cannot ignore that.

Words are only the surface